In the course of our practice, we often hear that a client has received bad advice from a well-meaning relative or friend when it comes to planning their estate. Even worse is when someone uses web based or online estate planning forms and relies on the forms for their most precious life choices.
Often times online advice or advice from a non legal source is outdated or is misinterpreted in such a manner as to be financially dangerous and devastating. This can cause mistakes that can affect a family for years to come or in many circumstances can never be changed or fixed. These unpaid advisors can never be held accountable for the mistakes they are responsible for.
Do not plan to do your estate planning on your own without our advice and guidance. We make it affordable as well as efficient to complete simple and complex estate planning that you can rely on and take confort in knowing is professionally completed. Complete our estate planning intake form under our resource page and contact us.
Remember through estate planning, you can determine:
- How and by whom your assets will be managed for your benefit during your life if you ever become unable to manage them.
- When and under what circumstances it makes sense to distribute your assets during your lifetime.
- How and to whom your assets will be distributed after your death.
- How and by whom your personal care will be managed and how health care decisions will be made during your lifetime if you become unable to care for yourself.
Many people mistakenly think that estate planning only involves the writing of a will. Estate planning, however, can also involve financial, tax, medical and business planning. A will is part of the planning process, but you will need other documents as well to fully address your estate planning needs.
We can help you meet goals and objectives. It may be necessary to adjust your estate plan to reflect those changes and we are here to help throughout the years.
There are many issues to consider in creating an estate plan. First, ask yourself the following questions:
- What are my assets and what is their approximate value?
- Whom do I want to receive those assets — and when?
- Who should manage those assets if I cannot — either during my lifetime or after my death?
- Who should be responsible for taking care of my minor children if I become unable to care for them myself?
- Who should make medical decisions on my behalf concerning my care and welfare if I become unable to care for myself?
- What do I want done with my remains after I die and where would I want them buried, scattered or otherwise laid to rest?
Once you have some answers to these questions, you should contact us so we can help you create an estate plan, and advise you on such issues as taxes, title to assets and the management of your estate. Complete our estate planning intake form under our resource page and let us help you.